Trailblazers and leaders: Karen Campbell-White

Karen Campbell-White | Director of Strategic Communications | UCL

How did you get into marketing/comms?

After university, I was looking for a job that combined my interest in the creative arts with my love of writing and found a role working for a very small PR agency in South London.  The agency dealt with semiconductor companies and the work involved selling in to media based in France and the US.  I learned quite a lot about myself and the importance of working for companies that do work that energises me. Connection with the organisations purpose is important to me.

What is something that you do every day without fail?

My family time is precious, and I am a product of parents who were unwavering in their support and encouragement.  I therefore always spend quality time with my kids and partner.  From a work perspective, I try to make a new connection at work every day.  It’s important to build your internal and external network.  I find this is a valuable way of learning from others as well as sharing knowledge.

What is the best piece of advice that you’ve received? And who gave it to you?

My old boss the infamous Graham Goodkind (Founder of Frank PR) taught me about the importance of being creative and having fun. So yes, I work hard, but I also try to find joy in the process as well as the results.  I don’t think I’ve ever worked with someone who got so much joy from every headline his team secured.

What is a tool/hack that you would recommend to anyone starting out in PR/Comms/Marketing?

It’s really important to reflect on what you need to be successful in your dream job and set about creating the support mechanisms that will get you where you want to go.  That might mean getting a sponsor who can advocate for you when you apply for a role or someone that you can share your day with who will listen without judgment.  It will mean different things to different people.  Comms can be lonely, especially when you get more senior.  It is therefore vitally important to seek out like-minded people who share your values and can be relied on to support you.  

What’s your greatest achievement to date?

I am very proud of the strategic communications campaigns I led on the Scotland Independence Referendum and the 2021 Census, which delivered an unprecedented response rate of almost 98%.  Both campaigns were complex, they required creativity, resilience, and the ability to adapt at pace.  I’d also like to think that I mitigated the risks throughout without allowing them to constrain the work.

Is there a particular comms campaign that you’ve seen in your career that you didn’t work on but wish you had? 

UCL launched its ‘Disagreeing Well’ campaign last year, which brings together a panel of experts to ‘debate’ a highly contentious subject, e.g. online harms.  It’s a brilliant campaign, which is brave, ambitious, and creative.  I haven’t personally worked on it yet, but I’m keen to get involved at some point.

What’s the key skill you think a successful PR/comms/marketing pro requires?

I think the best comms people need to be open-minded.  Too many times PRs seek solutions from a desk, I think we need to get out, meet people, and immerse ourselves in the lived experiences of the audiences we need to reach. 

In three words, describe your approach to your role/work?

Insight-driven, professional, and open-minded.

What’s a question every PR/marketing pro should ask themselves?

What have I learned today? 


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